Feed and pet food labelling

Are you skilled in feed labelling according to all regulations? Lolex helps you make sure that all is compliant and labelled correctly

Correct labelling

Are you producing or selling

  • Feed and pet foods – of which
  • Feed material
  • Compound feed
  • Complementary feed
  • Dietetic feed?

Then you know that the labelling on the packaging and your further marketing materials must comply with specific regulations.

At Lolex we are specialised in the feed labelling regulations in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. We help you get the labelling right so that your product launch will go smoothly, satisfying both retailers,  consumers, and authorities.

If you have already made a product labelling or artwork, Lolex offers label reviews that qualify all details and correct elements in need of this. Even if competitors state “no added cereals”, “light” or “natural” on their feed products, you can never just assume this to be legal on your feed or pet foods. Checking claims is part of our work.

Once the details are cleared and corrections made, we perform a proofreading of the artwork. Ultimately, the artwork is approved, and you are good to print.

Legality screening of new feed or pet foods

Did you develop a new feed product or are you going to launch pet foods or livestock feed on a new market?

Then it is due diligence having your product screened for compliance in the country of marketing from the start to make sure that its composition is ok. It will save you time and trouble later.

Basing on your technical data the experts at Lolex assess if the product composition is compliant with the feed regulations. Part of this check covers the use of feed additives and feed materials, where we check these for compliance, if their use is restricted, or even forbidden.

If we conclude that your new product is legally composed, we will be glad to help you draft a compliant declaration as well.

Pet foods must be labelled correctly

Just like foods, livestock feed or pet foods are subject to numerous regulations. Some of these refer to the composition and labelling of the products.

Our feed labelling experts help you make sure that all regulations are followed. We can start by screening the composition of new products for compliance and help you get the declaration and labelling right. We also check any additional information on the packaging and in your marketing materials.

With our last proofreading of the labelling, you can rest assured that all is checked and compliant before launching your product in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

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