Food labelling
Do you find the food labelling and claim regulations tricky? We can help with your declaration to make sure that all is stated correctly
Correct labelling
As food business operator responsible for a food placed on the market you must ensure that the composition of the food is legal in the country of marketing. You are also responsible for the labelling text and claims being in line with numerous regulations. This applies to your own brand products as well as foods sold as private labels.
Lolex are experts in labelling regulations and guides – EU, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Germany.
Once we have gone through and corrected your product material, you can rest assured that all is compliant.
Do you want to learn more about how we can help with your food labels and marketing material?
Foods in your own brand
- Are you producing, importing, or selling prepacked foods?
- Are you seeking verification that the labels are fully compliant?
- Do you need to document this to a 3rd party stakeholder like a supermarket?
Our experts can help. Lolex assists you in the whole process or with parts of it, depending on your wishes and resources.
Typically, we carry out label reviews, qualification in specification forms and proofreading.
Lolex simultaneously checks if the product composition is legal.
Private labels
- Are you supplying private labels to one of the major Danish supermarkets?
- Do you need assistance in filling their specification form correctly?
- And to ensure that their particular labelling demands are met?
Let us help you. Lolex is very familiar with their work methods and quality policies, and if needed we coordinate with their quality departments.
Special foods
- Are you selling food supplements?
- Or diet replacers for weight control, foods for special medicinal purposes or fortified foods?
- Or infant and follow-up formula or processed cereal-based foods and baby foods?
Then you are aware that there are additional and special regulations to follow.
Depending on product type and country, you are also obliged to register the product with the national authorities.
This is complex and demanding work. Our experts can assist and help you ensure that the product composition and labelling is compliant – and fill in registration forms.
Lolex helps with compliant labelling
When you choose to have Lolex help with the labelling of your foods, you can rest assured that the food declaration and further marketing information will be compliant.
We check and correct your food declaration and make sure it turns out correct. But we are also glad to assist with your remaining marketing materials like flyers, campaigns, and web pages. This pertains to both your own product brands and foods sold as private labels.
Some food operators choose to add a sticker to an existing packaging, others produce a whole new packaging. No matter which solution you choose, our experts can help. Then you are sure to place a prepacked food on the market with a compliant labelling.